Monday 15 November 2010

Thanks for sharing

It is real cold here in Madrid, today was first day fingers and toes got numb, brrrr! Poor big-baby Festivo is now a little achy in his grand body, so after today's work it was his turn to get the spa-treatment, thanks mum Knata, he said.
I wanted to make a comment as I really appreciate people that are generous and 'give of themselves', 'bjuder på sig själva', thanks for sharing fellow bloggers, facebookers and hompagers. I decided to share my horse-life with you, it is the most positive I have and I am determined to share only positive things and feelings. I really appreciate the response I get from everyone from comments, emails and phonecalls, it means alot to me, thank you! So even though this is a horse orientated diary it is natural to me to make what I do personal and personal writing (and reading) can also be comforting. So here here are some more personal pieces of me.
First, I love my country, Sweden has given me so many opportunities and I do not take them for granted anymore, living abroad makes you appreciate your roots. Support from fellow scandinavians will always be extra-special to me, we share the same consciousness and there is a underlying understanding which is very soothing. Spain in all its sunny glory, but swedish humor, culture (especially horse-culture) and tv is simply the best because I can identify with it. However I consider my self a citizen of the world, race and countries are not important, sometimes we connect with people we do not have anything in common with, only that which we are, and that is very special.
I am a teacher (Stateschool and Waldorf/Steiner) and I love to educate people not only animals, however, lately I have not been able to do this, and I miss it. But I can live with that. I did my teacher training in England so a very important part of my life was done in english, which is one of the reasons why I write this in english. I have also lived and worked as a teacher in Belize, Nicaragua, England and spent time in India studying meditation and culture. Again I find myself living outside of my own culture, which is mostly fascinating, but not always so..
Two days ago day my mother and me were attacked by a man walking his dog, he was obviously a very agressive person. He attacked us for picking up our dogs when his big dog came running, he was offended because as he said his dog was a kind one, well any big dog is frightening to a chihuahua! After shouting abusively I told him to please shut up and go away and that was when he came running and got hold of my throat and shouted me he would kill me and my mother aswell. My mother was desperately trying to defend me with a small chihuahua dog leash, I have seen spanish men with agressive energy before, but my mum has not and I did not want her to, it is not pretty. It all finished ok, I stood my ground and called the police so he left. Resume he was a crazy man overwhelmed by grief as his mother just died, I felt sorry for him, but his negativity stays with him.
I have a fadder-child in East Polynesia, hopefully my help gives her a better life, the aid program is sending me updates of her progress and it is lovely to see. If you are interested in helping children in need here is the webpage;
My horses are the ones what really makes me happy. I am only hoping this happiness is a little contaigious to you, just as yours is to me, I love to learn and find it enouraging to read about happy, successful and intelligent people, you inspire me. So be happy and keep smiling!
Halagador arriving, July 2010

Donoso & me in Sweden, summer 2009

Start 2nd place Int I, June 2010

Festivo 'Mejores Movimientos' in Caravaca, autumn 2010

1 comment:

  1. Fy vad otäckt! Tur att det gick bra. Det är så trevligt att följa Er på bloggen! Var sak har sin tid, heter det ju.Kanske Du åter får möjlighet att arbeta som lärare så småningom.
