Monday 2 November 2009

Feeling & To be or not to be..

'Starti' eller 'Start-Smart', that is his swedish nickname, was not so fortunate when he was given his name.. I am quite happy with my posture here, for once. To be painfully pedantic and self-critical is helpful, but not always comfortable. I love perfect, it is like a drug! I train my horses alone most of the time and it is essential to have a mirror and a videocamera. In Sweden I get some valuable help from Elisabet Lundholm, that was swedish national team coach, a fantastic trainer and a very good person. I have trainer here in Spain too, he has been a national team rider and he is a perfectionist, quite rare trait for the spaniards.. He sees the feeling I ride with and and the horse's feeling too, which is the key for me. 'Start' is a extremely sensitive horse with a fiery bullfighters temperament which is not the most easy combination to ride. I feel very greatful to have horses of this much quality, I have worked hard for them but I know that to have your dreams come through is being very fortunate and a bit lucky too. Knowing the happiness my horses bring to me gives me the inspiration to help others find their perfect horse. I use my feeling for this too.

Now, the question is; shall 'Donut' participate in spanish championship, SICAB. Tomorrow I will decide. There is alot of politics and issues to be considered..

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