We finally arrived to my lovely swedish home with this beautiful snowy landscape and -20C degrees!
(Luckily ice is on the outside..)
Good travel-dog Betty
In the December number of Ecuestre there was a very interesting article about the famous architect José Luis Picard Castellón, a grand architect and lover of the art of architecure and horses, both perfections. He compated the beauty of a horses to the beauty of architecture, saying the horse is a perfected being, a perfection of art just like the architecture should strive to be. The article is really interesting, there is an objective evaluation of the qualities of a horse; fine structure, powerful, elastic, potential from extremities and with balance of neck, head and croup. The beauty of architecture lies solely in the geometric harmony that is what produces our emotion when we observe it. He also make a comparison with the noble materials of a bulding; marble, fine woods, ceramics, metals etc with those of a horse, the fine shiny skinlike coat in different shades like dark bay, chestnut, black. He says the horse is the most perfected Art of creation. José Luis Picard Castellón is the architect of the REAAE, Real Escuela Andaluza in Jerez, among many others.
Picture; Donoso VII is being the beautiful horse representative in article
wishes everyone a
and a 2011 filled with

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