After some thinking, evaluations and a little more thinking and feeling we have decided to accept a serious offer for our dear Talmud. I will let you know how we reason.
For us selection is a daily routine, we have the privilige for some time now, to work with with professional breeders and be able to study and select PRE / PSL horses in their natural environment, in dressage competitons and at PRE championships. The selection can seem excessively pedantic from our part, however we take selection seriously as it aims at providing proper horse material for international breeders/riders. These horses are not only our representatives but also the representatives of the PRE (or PSL) race.
Now we have made a selection of our own horses with the responsability as a breeder being the foundation. Objective selection of the professional breeder is essential for development, one can only allow oneself to breed with the superior horse material. We have now had Talmud for some time and we evaluated him to be a grand horse, for his conformation, movement and temperament. However we are now focusing on international PRE's which takes the breeding to another level. We are also clear about what breeding lines we believe in and which ones has proven to be functional. All the necessary qualities are well represented in Donoso VII, Festivo MR and Halagador Cen. So with some objective reasoning we decided we only want to breed and excel this level of horses, and exclusively merited adult stallions. This provides a important guarantee to the breeders using our stallions.
But we still love Talmud and knowing he will have a beautiful tropical home, will be very well taken care of and appreciated, we are happy. We wish him and his new owner all the best of luck!
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Arriving to christmas
We finally arrived to my lovely swedish home with this beautiful snowy landscape and -20C degrees!
(Luckily ice is on the outside..)
Good travel-dog Betty
In the December number of Ecuestre there was a very interesting article about the famous architect José Luis Picard Castellón, a grand architect and lover of the art of architecure and horses, both perfections. He compated the beauty of a horses to the beauty of architecture, saying the horse is a perfected being, a perfection of art just like the architecture should strive to be. The article is really interesting, there is an objective evaluation of the qualities of a horse; fine structure, powerful, elastic, potential from extremities and with balance of neck, head and croup. The beauty of architecture lies solely in the geometric harmony that is what produces our emotion when we observe it. He also make a comparison with the noble materials of a bulding; marble, fine woods, ceramics, metals etc with those of a horse, the fine shiny skinlike coat in different shades like dark bay, chestnut, black. He says the horse is the most perfected Art of creation. José Luis Picard Castellón is the architect of the REAAE, Real Escuela Andaluza in Jerez, among many others.
Picture; Donoso VII is being the beautiful horse representative in article
wishes everyone a
and a 2011 filled with

Sunday, 19 December 2010
Holidays coming up
Holidays are coming up for me and my boys and how do I do it!? How stressful can a holiday be? Well, I better get over myself and chill out because it is christmas after all and the horses are in good hands and I have the perfect christmas house to come home to, and a horse too! They say she is absolutely beautiful, that she is a flashy mover a very very clever little lady - can't wait to see pretty little baby Donita VIK!
Today was her first day back home with extra mummy Aniara that was very happy to see her adopted daughter again, brr, but very cold..
Aniara & Donita VIK in Sweden
Today was her first day back home with extra mummy Aniara that was very happy to see her adopted daughter again, brr, but very cold..
Aniara & Donita VIK in Sweden
Donitas dad Donoso VII December 2010
Thursday, 16 December 2010
His story; Talmud
e. Frondoso J.T
u. Doña Ines
The Talmud saga is still quite short. We met Talmud and in January 2010 and we liked him instantly. We could see he was a good person, totally uncomplicated to ride and handle and we loved his expression and movement. In summer he was now basic ridden and owner took him back from training so he could grow into his body, better not rush with a 168 cm pure carthusian, take care, take care.
In november we did not want to test fate anylonger because we really did not want to see this horse disappear. So we closed our eyes (did not count how many horses we now had), went with gut feeling and bought him!
February 2010
On arrival in November
In November we had Talmud APTO approved for breeding. He has now started his school and does the Pessoa, riding indoor and outdoors in countryside. Talmud is a pure carthusian, he is 168 cm tall and his movement is totally correct.
It is very rare to find such size and straight movement in a pure carthusian. He has three good gaits, he has great engine, the typical kneeaction and he gets somewhere with his strides. He is quite a special horse in many ways. Talmud has talent!
Talmud and Javier

e. Frondoso J.T
u. Doña Ines
The Talmud saga is still quite short. We met Talmud and in January 2010 and we liked him instantly. We could see he was a good person, totally uncomplicated to ride and handle and we loved his expression and movement. In summer he was now basic ridden and owner took him back from training so he could grow into his body, better not rush with a 168 cm pure carthusian, take care, take care.
In november we did not want to test fate anylonger because we really did not want to see this horse disappear. So we closed our eyes (did not count how many horses we now had), went with gut feeling and bought him!
February 2010
On arrival in November
In November we had Talmud APTO approved for breeding. He has now started his school and does the Pessoa, riding indoor and outdoors in countryside. Talmud is a pure carthusian, he is 168 cm tall and his movement is totally correct.
It is very rare to find such size and straight movement in a pure carthusian. He has three good gaits, he has great engine, the typical kneeaction and he gets somewhere with his strides. He is quite a special horse in many ways. Talmud has talent!
Talmud and Javier
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
His story; Festivo MR
Festivo MR
e. Academico VII
u. Escogida XL
Dear Festivo came to us in May 2010. Again he was one of the horses selected for Horsespre's clients (at this point I think we are becoming one of our best clients!), as you can see we only select horses we would buy for ourselves. When we first saw him he made us lift our eyebrows because all we could see was BIG. I rode him in a tiny little paddock and I was amazed how easy it was for him to collect all that movement and all that body in such a tiny little space. And how easy it was for tiny me with my fibromyalgia-body. The canter was super, how easy it was to collect all that body and movement. I could feel alot of capacity in the trot but he was so totally unfit and floppy no way could he get it all together and do a extention. And the walk was big, again a little wobbly from lack of excersize. I wanted to put some pressure to see what happened and Festivo got really upset, poor thing, that's when I understood he was a BIG BABY. Sorry sweety, but I loved how you moved! So then I knew. So I jumped off and lifted my eyebrows again, I was surprised it was so comfy up there!
So when passed vetcheck we went to get him. They took him out of stables and again we lifted our eyebrows, he looked so impressive. He hardly fit into the trailer but he did not even hesitate just walked straight on.
Back home in Jade we lounged him in roundpen. We were quiet and Javier asked me after a while, what do you think about his movement really? We are very critical people (even more so with what is our own and with ourselves) but I said 'I think it is really good!'. We were both alittle surprised, surprised we suddenly had ANOTHER horse (was really not our plan) and then this BIG and BEAUTIFUL one that also seemed to move for REAL!
Riding Festivo for the first time in May 2010
So in summer we trained s l o w l y. He was floppy from not really moving hardly at all and it is alot of body to get going. So walker and light work.
Festivo at Jade
We decided to bring compete him in autumn and Caravaca was the first show. Here he won the MEJORES MOVIMIENTOS and scored 24 for movement both in hand and in the ridden test, splendid! He was 5th totally and with these results he was qualified to SICAB.
Festivo & Tony in Caravaca
Warm up for the Funcionalidad
Winner of MM section 10, 5& 6 year old stallions!
So finally it was time for SICAB. Here Festivo made a serious statement and entertained. He got a warm applaud and won MEJORES MOVIMIENTOS in section 10. He beat Absolute Champion and Reserve Champion of Spain!!
Festivo in SICAB November 2010Merits;
- 2007 Title; MEJORES MOVIMIENTOS sec. 6 Equital- 2010 Title; MEJORES MOVIMIENTOS sec. 10 Caravaca de la Cruz
- 2010 Title; MEJORES MOVIMIENTOS sec 10 Spanish Championships, SICAB
SICAB again
I just want to talk a little about Festivo's quality of movement because it is quite unique for a PRE. It is important to note this horse is not shown in a flashy way, his movement does not come out of putting the horse in tension. The trot is not a passagy, artifical one, the movement a is natural one and is always in relaxation. His strides are long and covers alot of ground, it is SLOW, not fast and choppy. Personally I think this is the quality of movement we need for dressage and what we need to develop in the PRE, what do you think?
Monday, 13 December 2010
His story; Halagador Cen
Halagador Cen
e. Delegado Mac
u. Bondadosa XXII
We have over the years seen alot of brothers and sisters to Halagador but this horse was always our favourite. In summer 2010 we decided to sell our breeding mares and dedicate our time to getting our stallions merited. When we sold Halagador's sister Intimidad Cen we were hoping her bloodline would continue with Halagador, but that was all just a plan or a dream rather.
Halagador Cen
We had followed this horse since he did his championships as a three year old and I also rode him as a three year old. The impression stayed with me for always. He has a incredible softness to him, he is very flexible and elastic in body and in movement. These movements in combination with his classical spanish beauty makes him a truly desirable PRE stud/ dressage stallion. And he jumps like a panther.
August 2010
He had been on our books for a long time being one of the most exclusive PRE stallions we had listed for sale. Exclusive does not always mean expensive but in his case this was so. His quality, combination of supreme bloodlines and beautiful black without no white markings is what it is, expensive. We offered him to professional breeders but as I the information was that he was piropositive this closed all possibilities for a sale.
July 2010
So believe my surprise when he came out piro negative!? I would have had him sold about 10 times knowing this, Iberian Horse Service S.L lost a sale but Yda. VIKINGA PRE won the horse! For us this was a dream come true. Nothing bad that does not serve good also, Halagador is happiness!
Arrival day July 2010
Merits;- Halagador Cen has a silver medal from a important championship in which he beat stallions like Nero AM, Bailador JB that are now multichampions and Reproductores Calificados.
- He participated in SICAB with very good results and was placed 33 out of 53. He has not competed since but been used as a stud stallion by his breeder Yeguada Centurion.
- Halagador has 9 PRE offspring.
Training autumn 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
His story; Donoso VII
I will here present short summary of our breeding stallions one by one. We start with Nr 1 because that is exactly what he is!
Donoso VII
Donoso VII
e. Garboso XXXV
u. Donosa VIII
Donoso VII came to us in December 2008, same year as Yeguada VIKINGA PRE was founded. We saw in him a foundation stallion for breeding and a horse with much talent for dressage.
2009 we brought Donoso to Sweden to start his breeding and competitions in dressage and championships.
This turned out to be a fun experience. Donoso is a intelligent horse that knows what is expected from him and was totally clear with when to breed and when to concentrate on training or competition. He did 2 level 4, MSV, Intermediate level and performed very well.
Training in Sweden
In Halmstad, Sweden
The Swedish National Championships for PRE he won and got two champion titles; Absolute Stallion Champion and Absolute Champion Functionality.
Swedish National Championships 2009
Donoso was qualified for SICAB in which we participated and got his merit as one of Spains 39 best adult stallions 2009.
SICAB 2009
2010 he did the Euoropean Championships for PRE, FIECVAL, in Valencia, Spain. Here he got ranked as 27th best adult European stallion.
Donoso VII & Viktoria December 2010

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