I start with Donoso. As you may know our horses are not for sale, they are extremely carefully chosen with a professional purpose and much loved. One has to separate business and private life, but sometimes this can be tricky thing. So, someone wanted to buy Donoso very, very much and offered a important money for him. And I am very very greatful for this. But, Donoso is a grand horse and growing and I have great belief in him. I have seen his offspring and I am totally impressed by their quality. He is pure beauty, a great personality and showman, a grand dressage horse, a important breeding stallion and all these qualities makes him a super representative for his race, his breeder and for us. I happily help people to sell the horses they want to sell, good business is when there is a 'all win' situation and buyer and seller are both happy, when a number feels good to all parts there is a deal and a horse shift owner. We could have bought quite a few new important horses with the generous offer for Donoso but there simply is no other horse of his quality so I followed my feeling and said thank you, but no thank you.
Donoso VII in Sweden 2009
Visit Donoso's offsping page here;
Before all this happened we moved our horses to a small private professional dressage yard. Reluctantly we left Jade that has been our much loved home for 1,5 year, many near and dear, but I felt my horses was in need of what this place could offer.
Donoso VII arriving
Start in new home
We have also had a family visit! My dear mum and extra mum came for a weeks holiday. My mother had brought all my favourite swedish sweets, horse shopping, things I need and can't find here and swedish food. Lovely! Gunilla that is neighbour to my parents in Sweden and a horse crazy just like ourselves brought ingredients for a Kantarell-pie, it is made of a delicious yellow swedish mushroom, m u m s! I was a little spaced out from all things going on but hopefully they got some new positive impressions from spa, riding, Aranjuez, food and shopping. We had some great laughs and it was fun to have them here, love you lots!
Kerstin and Gunilla enjoying our beautiful mountain landscape
Gunilla & Donoso
Hahahahhaaaa... Start looks so much Harmonia, the picture from the walker! :) Mmmm this new place looks nice.