A young stallion like Festivo that has been using his hormones is unconciensously begging you to be his fair and consequent leader so we started with the leadership excercises in round pen today. He is a big baby, loves you instantly like a pupil likes his teacher that has good authority. I have been riding him with normal 3 part snaffle but he does not like it, I think he feels it is too small, like a thread in his mouth, so I tried a normal pelham today and he was very happy with this. Thanks he said, a little more to hold on to, he is a big guy and naturally he has a big mouth too... We did a good long work-out, a little shoulder in, half pass, counter canter and extended trot. Good boy! He doesn't know any of it but he is a very flexible and very willing guy. His canter is extremely balanced and both trot and canter are soft and suspended, mmm.. comfy! My achy body likes it until I have to step (jump rather) down and start walking around, uff, I think I have to stay up on the horses..
I forgot to say yesterday that the two new black sisters to Inma left together with a bay mare for Sweden yesterday, they are in Germany now a little tired they reported so they are resting them as much as necessary, very professional, thank you Freddy & Friederike! See Sportpferde Transport van-Hamond
I hope you will like these!
Festivo MR
See Festivo's page
Det skall bli spännande att få se honom i verkligheten. Nu kommer jag snaaaaart. Kram/mam